Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Little Known Fact #1

Did you know that Faulkner once served as the postmaster at the University of Mississsippi post office?

He apparently sucked. Was known to throw away mail, ignore patrons, and otherwise lack customer service skills.

Which sounds like he was a very normal postal employee, indeed.

When asked to resign (which he readily agreed to), Faulkner reportedly said, "I reckon I'll be at the beck and call of folks with money all my life, but thank God I won't ever again have to be at the beck and call of every son of a bitch who's got two cents to buy a stamp."

Summertime, and the Livin's Easy.

So if you're here it's probably because you agreed to read Absalom, Absalom! this summer, with the rest of your book-nerd friends. Please, please, feel free to get as many of your other friends to join in the fun. This is open to anyone and everyone, and I'm hoping to have a huge group to get together at the end. However, if it's only three of four of us in the end, that will be perfect too, as then I can host the thing at my own house, before it is overrun with baby paraphernalia.

This is meant to be fun and not to feel like stress or pressure. If you don't finish the book in time, come to the "finale" anyway. If you hate the book, quit it.

I'll be posting this and that as I go, regarding the book, history, thoughts, etc.

If you would like to have access to post here, please let me know and I'll send you an authorship invitation. I think you probably have to have a gmail address to make that work, by the way.

Ready, set, read!

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