Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Little Known Fact #5

Faulkner was unwilling to buy a new suit to wear when he received the Nobel Prize, so he rented one. Afterwards, he told his publisher, Bennett Cerf, that he wanted to keep the suit. When asked what he would do with it, Faulkner said, "Well, I might stuff it and put it in the living room and charge people to come in and see it, or I might rent it out, but I want that suit." Random House bought the suit for him.

And, so, how's it going? Thoughts about the book so far?


Heather said...

Done. And. Done.

I liked the story but I have to admit, I'm just not a fan of the writing.

I felt like every sentence was as though I was taking too big of a bite of a super sugary dessert--where the sheer size of the bite completely overwhelms what would otherwise be the lucious flavor.

Glad I made my way through it though!

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