Friday, May 8, 2009

Little Known Fact #3

Faulkner felt tremendous guilt over the death of his brother Dean: he had sold the airplane to Dean, and he had encouraged him in his flying. At the time of Dean's death, Faulkner was writing Absalom, Absalom! (The central mystery, if you don't already know, concerns the murder of one brother by another brother.)

My book finally came - hardback! I had no idea I was getting hardback. Most people I know treasure hardback books and prefer them, but I do not. I think they are gangly and heavy and hard to manage. Likewise, I no longer have a penchant for keeping books long after I have read them. I don't have room for a proper library, so I don't see the point in storing and hoarding them. Unless they are true favorites I'll read again and again, I pass them on or sell them at The Dusty Bookshelf, or, better, Half Price Books.

It's a busy weekend, but I am hoping to have time to get started reading on Sunday.


Meryl said...

I just got started a little bit last night (borrowed my copy from the library so there's some urgency to get through it). It's a wee bit dense, but once I started getting the rhythm of his very lo-o-ng sentences, the story looked like it will be a good one.

Goddess Moxie said... I haven't started yet because I am still trying to finish up the Harry Potter series (halfway through the seventh book now!) But I am already panicking about getting through Absalom Absalom in a timely manner. Anyone got a stress ball I can borrow until I get started? ;-)

Megan Stuke said...

It's not that long. The last Faulkner I read, I read for grad school. Granted, that meant a lot of skimming, but I only had week. I got er done. Sort of. You have MONTHS! No problem.

PS - I LOVE looonnngg sentences.

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