Friday, May 1, 2009

Little Known Fact #2

Have you bought your book yet? I decided to purchase rather than borrow one, so I can write in it. Going after work today to get it. I feel guilty because I am in the middle of two other books now, but I think I'm going to abandon them so I can get a headstart on Faulkner.

Do you write in your books? If so, what? Why?

And, some trivia:

In 1932 Faulkner went dove hunting with Howard Hawks and a friend of his, an actor named Clark Gable. Hawks began talking with Faulkner about books, during which Gable remained silent. Finally, Gable asked Faulkner who he thought were the best living writers. After a moment, Faulkner answered, "Ernest Hemingway, Willa Cather, Thomas Mann, John Dos Passos, and myself."

Gable paused for a moment and said, "Oh, do you write?"

"Yes, Mr. Gable," Faulkner said. "What do you do?"


Goddess Moxie said...

I have bought my book--it got delivered to my door step this last weekend. I don't normally write in my books, but for something like this I sometimes do where I want to make a point to remember a thought I had while reading later.

mara.1971 said...

I almost always hilite and/or write in my books because I don't want my thoughts to get away from me. I don't have my book yet, but will probably get it on Kindle if it's available. Can't wait to get started, even though I have never been a Faulkner fan. I haven't read this one, so I am keeping an open mind.

Megan Stuke said...

mara, I don't think it's available on Kindle. Sorry!

Amy said...

I always WISH I had written in my books. After the fact. Especially ones with complicated family trees, or symbolism that becomes important later in the book. Maybe I'll remember to read with a pencil this time. I'm finishing Julia Child's My Life in France before I start Absalom.

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