Friday, May 15, 2009

Supreme Sentences

I started reading last night. Yes, the sentences are LOOONNNNNGGGG, but they are also LUSCIOUS.

Faulkner's sentences are like they were crafted by The Eternal.


It's books like this that make me swear I'll never read any smut or lame chick lit again. But I will.


Moxie said...

I just started my book last night. And I have to say...after just finishing the Harry Potter series, this book feels like I've just been run over by a Mack truck. I think I am going to close the book and start over again tonight.

Meryl said...

I'm kind of a dork, but I got the Cliff Notes too (love that Topeka Library!) Anyway, they explained something that helped me a lot, so I'm passing along. There are actually four narrators going here--Lady, Author, Author's Dad, and Author's Roommate. Faulkner doesn't spell it out in neon lights when the narrators change, but if you're watching for it, it helps!

Hussy said...

I ran into the same confusion during my first stab at "The Sound and the Fury"--keeping track of the narrator is half the task!

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